You need a technical description for an accurate location? Rado, Corbeil et Généreux knows all the provisions concerning boundaries.
In these cases, our team members will prepare a document describing the cadastral limits of your property. Generally, a technical description is required for specific purposes, such as boundaries, administrative limits, easements, limits of agricultural zoning and cultural heritage properties. This document, which includes a plan and a report, can only be used for the purposes specified.
Your technical description will be fully detailed, specifying the length and orientation of your plot of land, its position in relation to those of the neighbours and its area. You will have everything you need to create an easement or finalize a real estate transaction, or for whatever other application you need.
It is a point of honour with Rado, Corbeil et Généreux to be thorough not only when working for its clients in the field but also while preparing plans, reports and various documents.